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Denise - New Beginning

I was not surprised to find them a pleasant attractive couple in their late forties, easy to talk to. Jim was vice president of a large accounting firm and Martha was assistant director of the public library system in their city. While they relaxed from their drive, Denise prepared one of her signature pasta dishes while I whipped up a salad, set the table, and poured the wine.

Dinner went well. Denise and her parents did a lot of catching up. Jim and Martha asked me a few non-intrusive questions about my background and job. I relaxed and had a pleasant time. After dinner mom and daughter continued to chat as they cleaned up while Jim and I went into the living room to catch the end of a college football game on TV.

When the game was over Martha and Denise came back in the living room. We all sort of looked at each other. It was after ten o'clock, and everyone allowed as how he or she was tired, so we hammered out a bathroom schedule and a time for breakfast in the morning. As we headed toward our respective rooms, Martha asked casually, "You will be joining us tomorrow evening, won't you?"

"Tomorrow evening?"

"Yes. We're going to Stephan's for Denise's birthday dinner," Jim informed me. Stephan's was an exclusive supper club in the affluent part of town. "We really do hope you'll come!" added Martha.

"Oh, I wouldn't think of imposing." I was mentally scrambling for a plausible excuse. Our code was nothing together outside the apartment at night. I caught a glimpse of Denise. She seemed as surprised as I was.

"No imposition at all."

"Mom!" interjected Denise.

"I really appreciate you including me," I said, moving quickly to avoid any potential unpleasantness. "I'm honored and I'd be delighted to join you." I hoped I was sounding sincere and not laying it on to thickly.

"Good!" said Jim. "We'll sort out the details n the morning. Goodnight, Tony. Goodnight, Princess," he added nodding to Denise. He turned toward their room before he could see the look of exasperation on her face.

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