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Denise - New Beginning

Her jaw dropped. "Dennis, what in the..." Dennis and Sarah froze. As she studied him, trying to figure out what was going on, she couldn't help thinking how cute and happy Dennis looked. "Jim," she called to his father, "come and see how cute our daughter looks!"

"Our daughter?" responded Jim as he came down the hallway. Like his wife, he did a double take when he caught site of Dennis. All the stock thoughts one might expect rushed through his mind, but they seemed to be overridden by the fact that Dennis, though obviously embarrassed, looked so happy with no sign of guilt or shame. Damn, somehow it just looked right. "You look very nice, ah..." To use the name Dennis just didn't seem to fit.

Sarah picked up on this immediately. "Denise, she announced. "Her name is Denise!"

"Well, so it is! You look very nice, Denise."

"Thank you, Daddy!" said Denise with a big smile. She got up, ran over to her parents, and gave them both a hug.

No one mentioned her changing clothes, so she wore the outfit for the rest of the day. Her aunt and uncle, seeing her parents going along with the transformation, went along also. They even let her wear it home. After they arrived, she went to the bathroom and checked to see if her little pecker was still there. It was, but she pulled down her panties, hoisted her skirt, and sat down to pee just like Sarah did.

The next six months were a whirlwind of medical doctors, counselors, and child psychologists. He was still Dennis at school and church, but must of the rest of the time she was Denise. Her mom and dad let her build up a girl's wardrobe and she redecorated her room in a feminine way. In the end, all the professionals they consulted agreed that it would probably be less harmful to allow her to live as a girl than to force her to live as a boy. After much debate and soul-searching, she had been started on early hormone therapy. As a result, her puberty had been more female than male. Her voice hadn't changed perceptibly, she hadn't developed much body hair, and her breasts had developed. Though they were small, she was happy with them. "My boobs are me," she once quipped in a lighter moment.

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