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The Terrace View Apartments Part 7

He asked us to leave; saying that it was all too much for him. But as I was leaving, I noticed that he still had his erection, which revealed that part of him was still interested in me.

As we gathered our clothing, I surprised Mike by suddenly turning and whispering seductively into his ear that I had really enjoyed our past few evenings together. "Mike, old buddy," I whispered as my fingernails deftly caressed his rock-hard cock, "forget about the past. Think of the future. This could be your future. Just call me when you’re ready."

I kissed him, my tongue insistently invading his mouth. And then I abruptly turned on my heels and sauntered out, putting my sexiest sway into my walk. My hope was that between my words, my tongue and the image of my ass going out the door, Mike would give in and call me back soon.

Mike held out for two weeks before he showed up at the gates of the Terrace View Apartments. I saw him drive up, and was happy to see his BMW waved past the gates. But it was not what I was hoping for. Mike had changed. The disheveled man who stumbled out of the car was not the sex stud I had enjoyed a few weeks ago. He was merely a shell of his former self. He said something to one of the guards, and as he reached forward, the guard shot a load of pepper spray right into his face. In obvious agony, Mike crawled forward, and was rewarded with more pepper spray.

Now there was a large group of guards surrounding Mike, and they laughed cruelly at his pain. Mike kept scratching at his eyes, and finally, one of the guards took pity and pissed directly into Mike’s swollen eyes. The rest of the guards joined in the shower, and then Mike was unceremoniously shoved into a fountain.

Mike, the man with a constantly erect cock, meekly stood and stripped his clothing off in front of a bemused crowd of gathered residents. He slowly dropped to his hands and knees, and then crawled halfway across the complex. He finally found Mistress Kendra flogging a maid in the courtyard. Through tears of joy, he pleaded with her for the opportunity to join our staff at the Terrace View Apartments. He begged to replace the maid on the rack, and after fifteen minutes of heart-felt supplication, Mistress Kendra gave in to his pleas.

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