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The Society

"I'd be very interested in making extra money. I'm working so that maybe I can take some classes at the community college." I admitted.

"Well I have some yard work that needs to be done at my home. I was hoping to get someone over this week." Catherine told me.

"I can be over tomorrow at nine." I told her anxious to have a job and with such an interesting and sexy woman.

"That's excellent. I like a go getter." She exulted.

With that Catherine turned and walked back over to the small group of people that remained. I couldn't help admiring her legs. They were long and toned with muscle and the high heels she was wearing just made those muscles bulge in all the right places. In short her calves were magnificent and the way her upper thighs and ass pressed against her dress I knew they were just as beautiful.

Just when I thought I'd never be able to take my eyes off of Ms. Creeler Jill walked up to the now cleaned up bar area. Like Catherine Creeler she had no problem filling out the very revealing dress that she was wearing.

"Hey how's it going?" She asked with a smile.

"Tired." I replied wiping sweat from my forehead.

"Yeah it's gotta be tough work hauling those glasses around in this heat. I'm glad that I ran into you though." Jill smiled at me.

"So what are you doing here?" I finally got to satisfy my curiosity.

"Well like I said, I work for Ms. Mapleton so she likes to have me here at these parties to help greet the guests some of them are clients." Jill was sufficiently vague but I didn't care she looked beautiful and I was transfixed.

"This is definitely a nice place to work." I was impressed but not surprised that someone with Jill's personality and looks had ended up in this type of situation.

"Yeah. I live here now too." Jill's eyes gave me a quick once over.

"Not a bad deal." I added with a smile.

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