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Southern Hospitality Ch. 02

Ash fell quiet. He could see the appeal, someone like Laura but his age certainly caught his interests. But it wasn't this unnamed woman that had brought out this side to him using her raw attraction and desire. He had given himself, entirely, to Laura. It felt oddly betraying to so easily let himself be passed on by her to a younger model.
"Laura... I... I don't know..." he said gently, hugging himself a little closer to her, hearing her heartbeat in her chest, his ear pressed to her as he rested.
"You're just nervous because you've never met her... At least give her a chance?..." She urged. He may have been the perfect little plaything for her, but her intentions had taken a different turn. She had put so much planning and effort into making him hers, and while the actual chase and catch had been relatively brief, she had gone from wanting to merely slake her lust with him to genuinely caring about his future with his new passions.
She thought she was too old for him, too passed her youthful prime. He needed a young girl like herself who could keep up with him and give him what he both wanted and needed. Even if he didn't really realize it yet.
"I'll give her a chance..." he relented some, but looked up at her, with an almost rueful expression. "...Later, anyway... You know... Once I've finished discovering who I am..."
Laura raised an eyebrow curiously, pursing her lips as she looked down at him. "Meaning what hon?..."
"You know... After someone with a lot more skill and experience has..." he paused, making it up essentially as he went along, stalling her plans to pair him off with her niece, "Had the time to teach me. You know. How to properly... Look after, a girl like you." his expression became a naughty, playful smirk.
Laura felt a blush play on her cheeks at that expression, one that promised many a sinful deed. "...Well... It would be improper to set you out into this new world without... At least the basics... I guess?" she said, a little surprised that he would want more of her and not be quite so eager to switch her for a younger version. Did he not realize she would have a tighter figure, more energy, more stamina?

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