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Jemma ushered Sam to sit down as well and then brought all three of them glasses that contained a colourful red cocktail that tasted sweet and fruity and slipped down very easily so that in just half an hour Sam was already feeling a little less in control of his actions. Conversation was flowing as freely as the alcohol, but Sam was feeling a little uncomfortable and a little unsure of himself, he didn't really know quite what was going on here, his boss had invited him to her apartment, surely something was going to happen. Jemma seemed to remember that there was a reason for him being here.

"Oh, yes," she said, "Sam, we need to get you 'trained' for your new position," here Helena giggled but Sam wasn't sure why, "I think we'd better start with the dress code," here she winked at Helena, "Come with me."

She took Sam by the hand and took him into a bedroom, by his furnishings slightly less luxuriant than the living room Sam guessed it was Jemma's own and he began to become a little excited and aroused. This situation wasn't exactly helped by the fact that on the double bed some very sexy lingerie and clothing that Sam knew Jemma wouldn't normally wear was laid out. Sam turned expectantly towards Jemma and Jemma smiled at him and nodded her head towards the clothes laid out on the bed as Sam felt his cock twitch in anticipation.

"While you're working as my PA, Sam," she said, "I'd like you to dress like that."

Sam felt his mouth dropping open in surprise and was for some time slumped completely for what to say, not for the first time that day. He laughed nervously:

"You're joking right," he said in a way that tried to sound confident but actually felt a little desperate.

"This isn't the sort of thing I joke about, Sam," Jemma said seriously and sternly, "I need to have a female PA, our investors demand it, besides, we can't very well have you seen around the office after you've been fired now can we? What would people think?"

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