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My Psychology Of Been A Cross-Dress

My goal is to have pride in myself, to be able to live with that dual role, admittedly Nicola is more dominating over the male form, but that I am learning to accept, I know I can not dress 24/7, the longing is there, but circumstance isn't. I'm acutely aware of the hope I have in finding that mistress/partner, whether I will or not remains to be seen, but I want to be able to make her proud, to know that what she see's is a female who wishes to make both satisfied. Some one that can walk down the street, to be convincing, to carry off the feminine desire and not cause any embarrassment, in this world looks is everything and I certainly know that much.

Nicola will continue to grow stronger, the desire to be her I am sure will never leave, she is my addiction, a person within another person, the one that makes me complete and relieves the stresses and tribulations of the day. For the first time ever since I began this adventure, almost three decades ago, now I have found that mental acceptance, recognised what makes me tick and makes me an individual. I can not see any reason why that will change, I don't believe it ever will, I am comfortable in my skin, still frustrated at times, maybe with the events coming up that I hope will be planned, such as the make over sessions and dressing services which I hope to employ, Nicola will get the chance to shine and the results might, just maybe give me the confidence to finally lay that final ghost to rest and be able to express my feminine side without fear.

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