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Marilyn's Family Reunion

Marilyn just stood there, arms folded under her breasts, watching mother and daughter just sitting there, bonding through feeding just like she had when Kat was gone. "I wish I could feed her like she does," Marilyn muttered to herself. "There's nothing like the bond between mother and child."

"Uh, you know, you could take some drugs and feed her some of your breast milk," Kat suddenly chimed in, looking into Marilyn's eyes. "I know it ain't the same as actually carry her, but it would be pretty close," she finished with a smile.

"Yeah, I could do that, but I couldn't feed her mommy my, um, special milk," Marilyn chuckled back, punctuating it with a playful punch of Kat's arm.

"You know I can't live without it!"

"Hehehe. Hey, you look like you're just about finished there. Feel up to chat with me on my computer?"

"Sure," Kat replied. "I can be on the computer." She gently rocked little Mai in her arms as she let her finish her bottle. After Marilyn took the empty bottle from her and laid it aside, Kat got up and walked with Marilyn into her bedroom. Tapping the computer out of sleep mode, Marilyn sat down and fired up the word processor. Kat then climbed onto Marilyn's lap, then gave her lover a loving kiss on the cheek. Marilyn then typed out, "So, um, how was your trip?"

"Well, it was OK at first. Saved for the cramped buildings, the Toyko suburbs look kind of nice. Everything was all nice and peaceful….save for the birth. Remind me not to ask for such a big kid next time!"

Marilyn chuckled to herself, nibbled lightly on Kat's ear, then continued "Well, sorry for the genes. What happened after the kidnapping?"

"Well, it was shitty, but it had its moments. At first it was horrible, being raped to be trained into my new role and all…"

"BASTARDS!!! I can't believe…."

Marilyn then trailed off with her typing and hugged her lover to her tightly to her. She blinked back tears from her eyes, then kissed Kat hard on the lips and looked deep into her eyes. She then went back to typing. "I'm so sorry as to what happened. I wish I could do something to make it up."

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