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Jamie is taken Part 1

probably smile overbearingly as he walked free, mad as hell and ready to

hunt Jamie down. Shivering Jamie decided that it was better to go along

with the man's wishes and try to figure out a solution along the way.

The manager, when faced with Jamie's sickly face and the man's dramatic

story of how Jamie had suffered convulsions before fainting, quickly

told Jamie to go see a doctor. He also told Jamie that he didn't have to

come in the next day and since it wasn't Jamie's turn to work Saturday,

this meant that it was now weekend. Seeing the man's back disappear out

the door and knowing that he had fifteen minutes to catch up, he wasn't

sure that the long weekend was a good thing.

Chapter 2

Five minutes after the man had walked out of the store Jamie

followed. He now had ten minutes to make it to the corner, which was

definitely not a lot of time. Not only did he have to walk fast, but the

last two blocks he had to run all out. Standing at the corner of Union

and Seventeenth, trying to catch his breath, he scouted for the man's

car as a truly enormous limousine pulled beside him. Jamie wasn't the

least bit surprised when the door opened and he heard the man's voice

come from the car, telling him to get in. Of course a man like that

would drive a huge limo. What else could he drive?

Getting in Jamie saw the man sitting in at the far end of the limousine.

He was looking at Jamie with the lazy interest that the well-fed

predator regards easy prey with and Jamie almost whimpered out loud when

he saw the look the man was giving him. Looking around Jamie was

suddenly very unsure of what to do. Where should he sit? How should he

address the man? The first question was answered at once as the man

drawled: "The floor, you little shit. I don't want filthy fucktoys

dirtying up my seats." Jamie wanted to object to this description of

himself, but nonetheless he found himself obediently sitting down on the

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