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I Told You

Since you were good enough to take the day off from work we’re going to keep you dressed all day, and I’m going to fuck you harder than ever because the neighbors aren’t home to hear us. Today you’re getting fucked till you cry, little girl.” As the words left her mouth she circled me like a hawk to its prey, eyeing my every minute feature. Getting to my ass, Skye lightly rubbed against the taut leather, and without a hesitation clamped a set of steel handcuffs around my wrists. “To make sure you don’t go anywhere,” She added sweetly. The words fell off of her skilled tongue so matter-of-factly that you could tell there was no room for discussion.

I stood handcuffed while her inspection continued. Agile fingers traced my manhood through the silky pink panties beneath my skirt, working me into a frenzy. Hot breath on my neck, followed by Skye’s snaking tongue as it darted in, out and around my ear made sure she had my undivided attention. Skilled hands roamed across me, bringing every nerve in my body to full attention. If I were a real girl I’d have been dripping in anticipation. True to form, I was soon begging for my “daily dose” of her hard cock.

“I know you’re ready, Tori. A hot little fucktoy like you needs cock at every opportunity, doesn’t she? And I’m here to make sure you get it. Now tell me you want it, baby.”

“Yes Mistress, give me what I need,” I robotically complied, my will completely dissolved.

“What is it you need, sissy girl? Is it cock? Is it a nice… long… hard… cock, pounding that tight little ass of yours? Like the girl in the video? All those cocks… I bet you’d love to be there, helping her…”

My inner voice tried desperately to fight the urge to go along, but her voice was hypnotic, as if every suggestion immediately became my will. The feel of that huge cock against me, her hot breath on my neck, the taut leather of the skirt, teetering on impossibly high heels… No, this couldn’t be me, could it? Getting fucked like a girl by your own girlfriend was one thing, but the playtoy on the TV screen was far beyond any depth I’d go to.

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