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Fantasy to Reality

The cock slowly pressed into my mouth, my lips hungrily wrapped around the thick head, everything was automatic, I knew what I was required to do, I knew what I was desperate to do. A pang of dismay filled me as the cock pulled out of my mouth and my eyes strained halfway open, I could only partly see this beautiful cock, it was the only thing that mattered in the world. A red mark on the top of the head caught me eye, lipstick? I tried to lean forward to the cock but I couldn't control my body, a slight twinge ran down my arm, I could finally feel something there. I tried desperately to move it, I wanted grab the thick shaft and pleasure it with all my energy.

Again I heard the noise of a chain and by focusing intently I realised my arm was tied behind my back with a chain, both arms actually. My arousal spread down my body and I could, albeit only slightly feel my legs, the floor felt cold, I was kneeling. Again I felt the head of the cock softly against my lips, my body twitched with desperate desire for the cock, desperate arousal. This time the chains clanged some more, I was slowly regaining feeling in my body. My body twitched more and I realised my ankles were tied together, I felt the the air on the top of my feet but I could feel shoes, I tried to move them, was I wearing high heels? Catching me by surprise the cock forced its way into my mouth, I felt the thick veiny shaft with my lips as my mouth spread wide, straining to take it all in.

I felt a surge of arousal around my crotch and my nipples began to tingle in intense pleasure as the cock pressed even deeper into my mouth. My chest felt unusually heavy as numbness continued to trickle away and I could sense something other than just my pecs. Time seemed to slow down as the taste of the juicy cock began to soak into my saliva whilst my neck tickled along with the top of my back, long hair?

The cock had only been inside my mouth for a few seconds but the pleasure grew almost too much to bear, I became dizzy with incredible arousal and numbness slowly returned to my arms and legs, my eyes closed and my mind drifted into unconscious blackness.

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