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Duchess of Lamore Part 2

The man walked over to his bench and retrieved a thick blanket draping it over the fender. He pointed to Drake's crotch. Drake looked down. He had nearly forgotten about his jewelry. He looked at the man's crotch; saw a similar bulge. How long had his been on? He was sure this man could answer all his questions. Drake gave him a nod and carefully leaned against the thick blanket careful not to scratch the paint.

They spent the day going over every inch of the car. He was able to communicate more than he ever thought. Or at least it seemed so.

Second Night in Palace

The translator appeared later that afternoon and walked him back to his room. As they crossed the grounds of the Palace he saw more women. He felt the tug of excitement pressing against his gold jewelry fruitlessly. They were all so beautiful and carefree. Maybe that was why the men were restricted.

He could only imagine what it was like to live at the Palace. He had seen only a small fraction. Where these women part of the Duchesses harem? Maybe that was it. The Duchess did not want the men interfering with her girls. His curiosity was getting the better of him. What was she like? It would seem that was not for him to know.

They got to his room and he noticed the guard was still outside his door. He gave him a brief smile, but it was not returned. He stepped into his room and she closed the door behind him.

He was met by his girls. That's how he thought of them. They were his bedroom girls. He felt little hands roaming his body as they took turns kissing him. They untied his fine fitted shirt and removed it. One girl moved to his nipple. Her tongue brought a smile to his face and a tug against his jewelry.

Apparently his bedroom girls were not part of her harem. Or maybe they were, but assigned to please him during his stay. Of course that could go only so far. So maybe his theory was not too far off.

He felt his Punjab pants being untied and they slid to the ground as one hand went to his crotch and another to his behind. They were simply fascinated by his behind. He never would have thought. He wondered if their fascination was due to his skin color.

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