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Dear Diary

I feel like I need to introduce myself to you all over again my diary. Billy is gone now and as far as I am concerned he is dead. My name is Jennifer now and always will be. I have a long way to go and much to learn but Aunt Sandy will teach it all to me soon. For now I will learn to walk like a girl, talk like a girl and how to be a girl in all ways but one. She gave me the entire day to rest so I will fill you in on all of it.

After my last entry I left the caf and went to the onramp of I 95 and then waited and waited as car after car drove past. The first car to stop was a woman and asked me if I was headed east or west. She was headed back towards New York. I stood there with my thumb out until 3:00 AM and the temperature was in the low teens and a hard wind was blowing.

A woman stopped at last and asked me where I was headed. She told me to hop in and took me as far as Providence RI. I grabbed a hot meal at a truck stop and headed back to an onramp and began to feel chills through my body and feel very sick. I lost that hot meal and began to wonder if I would see Boston before I died. I needed a Hospital but didn't dare go to one. I got lucky and a guy in his 20's stopped and gave me a ride the rest of the way and even gave me some aspirin to help the fever.

It was late morning when I arrived in Boston. I had seen big cities like it on Television but was still amazed at it all. I was too sick to think too much about it and I found a pay phone fast and called as instructed. Another woman answered the phone and I told her I was expected and gave her my name. She gave me directions and told me to come at 1:00 PM

I began to walk slowly and it took me until about 1:30 to get there. It was a pretty three story home made of red bricks and I rang the doorbell. The woman in the photo answered the door wearing a pink latex mini dress and GoGo boots. She was even more gorgeous than her photos. She looked at me like I was something the cat had dropped on her doorstep and asked me what I wanted. I told her I was Billy from the emails. She gasped at the site of me and said "Oh, my god honey". As soon as I made it in the door I collapsed.

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