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Chinese Extremes Part 1

Still, The General insisted they go on fighting and soon Phil was sweating profusely as he tried resisting The General. It was no use. The fighting ended when The General drove Phil all the way over to a cupboard along the far wall and scored such a hit that it drove Phil to his knees, his wind knocked out of him. They had agreed to only mark the scoring blows, so Phil was surprised when The General kicked him without pulling the punch. As Phil raised his hand to indicate that he gave up, The General moved in quickly and pulled the top of Phil's gi down over his arms, pinning them to his body. Then he grabbed Phil's short, blonde hair, pulled his head back and kissed Phil deeply. He held Phil tightly and explored Phil's mouth in a way it had never been explored before. Phil tried to fight it, tried to object, but The General was too strong, Phil was too weak and besides, wasn't this what he had wanted all along?

When The General pulled back, he grabbed Phil by the throat and spat down in his upturned face: "You are just a slave slut waiting to be taken, aren't you? A weak and perverted round-eye, just longing to be taken." Things were moving way too fast and Phi started to object, but The General cut him off with a vicious blow to the solar plexus. All air and strength went out of Phil and he fell to the ground, fighting for air. The General certainly didn't waste any time. He removed the top of Phil's gi, gathered Phil's arms behind him and got something from the nearby cupboard. It turned out to be two pairs of handcuffs, one for Phil's elbows and one for his wrists.

By now Phil had regained some of his strength and started to object, trying to tell The General that he had gotten the wrong impression and that they should just stop now. The General laughed derisively: "I have the wrong impression, have I now?" he snorted, "You were just begging to be taken. I am in fact giving you what you have always wanted. I will give you much, much more than you want later, but for now I'm just fulfilling your fantasy.

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