Cheeze or Sleaze ? , Chat up Shite

You Know what will look Good on You ? Me !

Wanna know what I like the most in you ? My Cock

I’m not a weather man, but you should expect over a few inches tonight.

I think there’s a mirror in your pants? Coz I can see myself in them

Hi, can I buy you quite a lot of drinks?

I can cook your dinner, if you will cook my breakfast.

I think your legs are made of Nutella? Coz I would love to spread them!

That outfit is quite becoming on you. If I were on you, I’d be coming too.

Hey Babe, I got the F, the C and I got the K. All I need now is U!

Nice shoes…. Wanna Fuck ?

You think I can fit it in your mouth? Wanna try?

I've had these Aimed at me over time in bars , clubs , Shopping etc.. practically everywhere, Just when you think you have heard it all , there's more, Some Cheese Some Sleaze Some Creepy, Whats your take ? I'll add more when i travel back in time & remember them Just4Fun , Thx for listening, Be Careful
LovLucyz xxx

2021-05-05 by Lucy❤ 1,349 Views

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