Candy Pink Part 2

Chapter 4

My parents had a letter shortly after from the headmaster Mr. James Allen. I was to head out to CA before the start of winter term to get settled into the dorms and go through orientation. The letter said I should be there no later than December 1st and that they would arrange for me to make up the missing credits from West Haven High. It suggested I ship my belongings out ahead and just bring one carry on bag onto the plane.

I knew there were no dorms and exactly where I would be staying. It was the day after Thanksgiving so I began to pack and prepare for the flight west out of JFK. I went to school those last few days and felt bad saying good-bye to my favorite teachers and few friends. At the end of the last day I was surprised as I stood there on Circle Street and looked back at the School and began feel myself choke up a little. I took one last walk through Painter Park on the way home and remembered playing there as a little kid. By the time I got home I was kicking my own ass for feeling so nostalgic about the town I just wanted out of.

On the last day of November my mom and dad drove me to New Haven Limo for the ride to JFK. They didn't know it but I knew I would never return as I had been. My dad really surprised me when he gave me a hug and said he was proud of me. I pulled it together and got in the limo.

It was a few hours later when I boarded the flight to San Francisco. Candy was going to pick me up at the airport there. I tried to get some sleep on the flight but all I could think of was her. Five hours later we glided into a landing and I headed down the corridor. I saw her at once and dropped my bag as my mouth also dropped open.

It was another Candy Pink "Holy Shit" moment. She hadn't spotted me yet so I had a chance to just stare and take it all in for a moment. She was even hotter than her photos! She had long, honey blond hair that went almost to her ass long and straight with bangs like a Barbie Doll. She had a "Candy Pink" satin ribbon on top of her head.

2011-12-08 by shemale lover 4,256 Views

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