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Becoming a Woman

He never approached me for cyber sex but I started it a few times. I had told him to pretend that I have a vagina. I like to pretend.

He had sent a picture which I saved in my lap top. In the photo he is naked. I like that I thought. I can't wait to have sex with him. He should not be too surprised. I told him that I still have my penis.

He's handsome. He has brown eyes, black short hair, and a square face. He's five foot nine with a medium build. He keeps fit. He had sent all this information in a separate text file.

My dad came into the living room. He looked at me for just a second.

"Hot date tonight sweetheart?"

I giggled at the comment. I had not had a date since the guy I met at Amy's wedding. We barely had a week.

Had I been a genetic female I suspect my dad would have given me the same talk he gave Kassey when she was sixteen and dating boys for the first time. The advice was that they will use a girl for sex then dump her. I can still recall him telling her that, and my mom nodding agreement.

"Like he used me for sex," she injected sarcastically.

The story goes that they had dated for a while, broke up then got back together. A high school age meaningless fling became a serious post college grad romance.

"The second time we met," my mother began, " was actually on a track."

This time should be very different. I need a bra now where as back then with the ex marine I did not. Also my waistline had shrunk a little and the hips had rounded. The facial features that God had given me seem to go well with the reshaped body. I've been told that I'm attractive and this boosts my ego. He said it did not bother him that I have a dick. I would not be the first person that he had bum fucked.

About three o'clock that Saturday afternoon a blue Honda that I had never seen before stopped on the road in front of our Blacksburg, Va house. A man, who looked familiar from the photo in my lap top, alighted from it and walked up the driveway.

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