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About Mariana Cordoba.

Common Sense.... Well, nobody stops to consider that perhaps Mariana just wanted OUT of The Biz. . .I mean if she officially was Recognized around the year 2006, age 23, then people don't realize that she was probably in sex work maybe even from a much younger age in Argentina before she was known in the Entertainment Industry. . . I remember meeting a couple of people who did this work : one said they had two major nervous breakdowns in 9 months after beginning to be a sex worker just from the sheer STRESS of serving yourself to people you don't even know every day and night, the other said she would work in The Biz for about 10 years, then GET OUT and open a Bakery Chain, THAT is what she did and nobody ever heard from her again in the sex biz, and today nobody knows she ever worked in it, Completely New Image, Unrecognizable.... just seemingly Vanished Into Thin Air. . . . So Bodiebob, truth is Mariana may NOT MIND if people THINK she is ' dead ' . . . And her Real Birth Name, I can't find it in media anywhere.. so THAT is another clue. . .And you have it Backwards Bodiebob....It was in her EARLIER when she was YOUNGER Videos and Photos in which she is Ultra-Thin, not her Later Ones. .no no no, the other thing is maybe she has gained quite a bit of weight anyways and just had no more interest and got into something else. . . I have seen photos of her Heavier Set in the face and body and THESE are More Recent.... THAT is Reality Bodiebob. . . By age 35, if you been doing this business for about 22 years, you would have pretty much HAD IT with IT. People don't stop to Appreciate The TUMULTUOUS PHYSICAL OUTPUT a human being GIVES in doing this work.... it ain't EASY. Being Beautiful is ONE THING, but needing to INTERACT every day and night with others PHYSICALLY is a Completely DIFFERENT STORY which takes a LARGE TOLL on a person... -

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