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A Warrior's Tail

It was Limdour's first time in the aspect shrines and he was nervous. He was here to finally become the warrior he promised his father he would be on his death bed.

He walked through the hall, It's huge walls swallowed the sound of his footsteps as he tried to decide which warrior aspect he would devote himself too:

Was it to be the Dire Avengers, The highly trained backbone to any Swordwind.

Or should he become a Dark Reaper, The ultimate in long ranged warfare...

It was to be none of those. As soon as he saw them walking gracefully about their shrine he knew he had to join the ranks of the Howling Banshee's.

Limdour walked up the imposing steps to the shrine. He watched the Banshee's lithe forms go about their business.

"I am going to enjoy it here." He quietly spoke to himself. For an Eldar Limdour was extraordinarily lustful.

"It should be fun seducing my way through here ."

He came to the top of the steps and was greeted by a beautiful woman in a ceremonial robe, It was thin to allow freedom of movement while the wearer trained for combat which she quite clearly had. Sweat dripped from her forehead and neck down to her exposed cleavage.

"Greetings fellow Eldar." She said with a chirpy voice "What brings you to our shrine?"

"I wish to join the Howling Banshee path."

"Glorious, We don't get many men joining the path of the Banshee. Follow me."

He watched her perfect arse bob up and down as she walked ahead. It was to expected though as this was a warrior's path and they needed to be in shape to fight and defend the Craftworld.

"Where are you taking me? Whatever your name is?"

"To see our Exarch. She will be the one to initiate you in a private ceremony in the inner shrine. And my name is Bae Cain"

He was led to a largish door which Bae pushed open effortlessly, Limdour looked over Bae's shoulder and saw the Exarch sparing with a training drone naked and his jaw dropped.

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