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A Slave to Passion

Before I start, I should tell you a little of my world, to save on some heavy handed, dialogue based exposition later. It was a time of peace. The Mage Wars were over and magic was all but extinguished, though the cost had been great. Many lives were lost and Council of Kings could no longer afford to support it's own armies.

Soldiers, men like me, who had given our all to the conflict, were the hardest hit. We were not paid. There wasn't enough coin in all the treasuries of the world to cover our back pay, so we were simply discharged, with the thanks of the council, and left to our own business.

I had a choice the day orders came through our unit was to be disbanded, remain in the city, looking for work as a hired sword, guarding caravans from my former brothers in arms, take to the roads as a highwayman and rob the civilians I fought so hard to protect or fall back upon my life before the army as a hunter, take to the wilds and hunt beasts for their furs and meat. It was a lonely life, but better than both the alternatives.

So, the day came, I said my farewells and, trusty bow in hand, left the civilisation I gave so much to save behind. I was fortunate it was summer and ended up following a herd of Knotch north into the Unending Forest. This was risky move. The Forest is, strictly speaking, Orc territory and while they are usually welcoming to travellers, a single trespass against their ways can land a human in a whole world of trouble.

Orcs are interesting creatures. They have green sink and are all, by outward appearance, female. That is, they have breasts, most have long hair, their features are generally feminine, though most ripple with muscle and they are, as a race, slightly taller than humans. They tend to dress revealingly too, tribal loin cloths and so far that would offend human senses of dignity were the wearers not so attractive. Beneath the loin cloths, however, some Orcs possess vagina similar to that of a human, indeed there have been some cases of interbreeding, while others possess cocks that would put most men to shame. It's said in some circles that an Orc's cock is something everyone must at least see before they die.

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