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A New Girl

"Here we are," said Claire. "Go warm yourself up. We got rid of all your body hair, but I wasn't sure what you wanted to do about your pubic area, so I've left that as it was before. I hope that's okay."

I could only nod. Beyond the door I could see a mirror, and even though it was far away, I could see my new face. It was thin, with high cheekbones and big, dark eyes. Even moving my head and watching my reflection was a wonderful feeling. I was beautiful.

"Thank you!" I gushed to Claire, and hugged her. Already it seemed I was much more feminine. I loved the sound of my voice, high and soft, a really sexy sound. She laughed.

"Don't get me wet!" she cried. "I'm happy to do it. I hope you're happy..."

"I will be!" I promised her.

"Well," she smiled. "We can't keep calling you by your boy's name. Think of a new name, dear." I bet my lower lip thinking, and, catching sight of my sexy face through the mirror, the perfect name presented itself.

"I'd like to be Louise," I said softly. Claire kissed me on both cheeks, and hugged me again.

"That's a beautiful name." She looked at me. "It suits you perfectly. Go and get warm!" She walked off down the corridor.

I opened the door, marvelling in my thin, smooth arm and small hand. As I walked I could feel my hips moving differently. It was such an odd, but amazing feeling. My other hand clutching my towel at chest height, I felt the lines of my face. In the mirror, I looked even better than I had hoped. My eyes were so much bigger, and the lashes curved sexily. My hair was still short, but much more feminine, shorter at the back, while the hair just in front of my ears traced my jaw line and framed my long neck. Abruptly, I dropped the towel and admired my new body in the mirror.

My female body was so amazingly sexy I could only stare. My tits were small, but the nipples were perfectly placed to face slightly up, and their curves fell in perfectly as my waist narrowed. I clutched at my new tits and, as I'd seen models do on makeup adverts, traced slightly underneath them. It was the sexiest feeling I'd ever had.

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