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1st Transsexual Affair

Immediately to the left another million dollar view caught his eye. A young topless woman lay face down on a large thirsty white beach towel, her hot pink toenails and crossed ankles swayed easily while casually flipping through a magazine. He drank in the sight of: smooth tanned legs, a powder blue thong wedged into the crack of luscious buns, a thick mound of fiery red hair neatly pinned atop and curvy breasts partially hidden by propped elbows.

Unaware of his presence the quiet voyeur enjoyed thirty seconds of ogling near nudity and fantasized massaging coconut oil onto her shapely back and shoulders or better yet spraying gobs of pent up semen there. His cock stirred against the confining material, another healthy sign.

Flipping a page, a bright red fingernail aimlessly tapped on a color picture. He followed her gaze onto lesbian photography from Penthouse magazine (my kind of girl!) causing his manhood to continue swelling.

Tearing his eyes away, he turned sideways, bent slightly and purposely re-arranged the chaise lounge, its legs scraping the patio deck. Guessing that the sun bather was now aware of his presence, he straightened to face her. Deep green eyes sparkled over sunglasses hovering on the tip of a dainty freckled nose, elegant dark eyebrows arched towards his Paul.

"Hello." She cheerfully said. Smiling, he returned the simple greeting while her self-assured eyes roamed over his chest, legs and tiny Speed-o. He safely spoke of the wonderful view and the accommodating weather.

"Did you just get in? I've been here for a few days...its quiet...looks like we share the same balcony..." She said while looking at the only separation: a short wrought iron railing. He explained he'd been here for two days, getting away from the rat race, catching up on sleep, touring some of the island, blah...blah.

Obviously friendly and wanting to talk, she launched into a chat about the island, where's she from and then abruptly sat up removing the shades, "Damn...I'm SO sorry! I'm Gwen..." Her exposed breasts were gorgeous. Small, girlish, perfectly round with a slight droop and bright pink, eraser sized nipples lovingly pierced with thin gold loops. He stared and extended his arm across, "Nice you Gwen. I'm Paul."

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